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Miss Foxy

 2018 年誕生於香港。經常思考人生。



I was born in Hong Kong, 2018. I always think about the things I encounter.

Are they destroying me? Or making a better me?

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About the Artist

郭曉晴 Cindy Kwok


喜歡花,喜歡狐狸,喜歡涉獵不同藝術媒介,曾合資出版原創填色本《MiFa*KaCi》、參與《孤兒日記》及《言寓香江2019:聽晚去邊度》等舞台演出。 曾擔任《妝.⾊—化妝品回收及升級改造計劃》藝術指導,亦曾參與多項藝術項目之製作:城市探索計劃《彩虹の冒險之書》及沙動畫短片《科漠.沙離》。


Cindy received her Bachelor of Arts (BA) from Lingnan University, majoring in Visual Studies. She also completed the Certificate in Visual Arts for Early Childhood Educators from School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University and was awarded the Outstanding Student Prize. Then, she finished Diploma in Illustration and Original Model Design at St. James’ Settlement of Continued Education Centre in 2018. Cindy is a freelance artist, specialized in illustration, design, art education and administration.

As an enthusiast of flowers and foxes, she likes trying different types of art media to explore her own potential. She has published original coloring book "MiFa*KaCi",  participated in performances: "Time of the Orphan's Life",  "Hong Kong Fable 2019: Where do we wanna go?", and being Artistic Director of "Coslligraphy" Cosmetics Recycling and Upcycling Programme. She also participated in several art projects:  sand animation “Digisolate”, urban exploration project “ENGEKI QUEST - The Rainbow Masseur”.

She has started painting Miss Foxy since 2018 to tell her own story. She is having her first joint exhibition “Circle” in April 2018. Her works focus on how her own experience facilitates her personal growth. In December the same year, she then participated in Illustration raduation Exhibition showing her new work “Friends”. She wants to give great thanks to her family and friends who support her always. 

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"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."

溫斯頓·丘吉爾 (英國首相) 

Winston Churchill

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